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Diana White's Research Site

As a Mathematical Biologist, I am interested in research problems that are at the interface between Mathematics and Biology.  Much of the work I do involves solving problems that directly impact human and community health, a goal which is foundational to the research projects I seek out. By using Mathematics to study such problems, new insight can be gained that might not be easily attained using biological techniques alone.  

One of my main areas of focus involves using differential equations to explore problems in intracellular dynamics.  In addition to understanding normal intracellular behavior, I also look at applications related to cancer treatment, by looking at how cellular dynamics are altered by the addition of various cancer drugs.

More recently, I've started modeling biological invasions in my own backyard (literally!). In particular, I'm developing a model to study the growth, spread and biological control of invasive watermilfoil, an invasive aquatic plant that's spread through much of the US. The test site I'm looking at is Norwood Lake (where I live), a small reservoir located along the Raquette River in Upstate New York. 

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